Sofokles: OIDIPUS
Crucial myth of Antique and our civilization
- Premiere
- Lenght of Performance
- 85 minutes without break
- Place of Performance
- Historická budova
Play schedule
The plague and war ravage citizens of the Thebes. People are desperate. They naturally feel the need to find the one to put the blame on. Whose fault it is? Who brought the plague? Who is responsible? So, they start to search and hunt for an unknown guilty one. The ruler of the Thebes – Oedipus starts investigation himself. The Oedipus who solved the riddle of the Sphinx before he took the throne of murdered king of the Thebes and married his wife Jocasta. At the question: what being of weak voice has four legs, then two legs, and then three, Oedipus replies that it is man – child in the morning, man at noon, and old man with a walking stick in the evening. The Oedipus whose name (oidos = corn, pús = leg) encodes his tragic fate. But why the blind oracle Teiresias says that the mysterious crime was committed by someone from the royal palace? Someone who is both, father and brother of his children and both, son and husband of his mother, and his father’s murderer and violator of his bed. And what’s the role of Oedipus’ brother-in-law Creon? And what if Oedipus himself is guilty? Only if things were otherwise.
The adaptation brings new view of one of the most famous stories of the world literature. It is not intended to confirm old myths, nor create new ones. Such universal story on a scapegoat can be seen in every time period. Along with great performances and modern visual, the production brings chants of the Antient choir.
“It is clear that Oedipus, king and scapegoat all-in-one, is in fact Pharmakos, a human sacrifice ritually offered to Gods seeking to stop the plague from spreading, as we know it e. g. from the Athenian Thargelia festival, which has been sufficiently proved.”
(STEHLÍKOVÁ, Eva. Řecké divadlo (klasické doby). Praha: Ústav pro klasická studia, 1991, p. 32.)
Translation: | Vojtech Mihálik |
Directed by and editing: | Anton Korenči |
Dramaturgy: | Peter Himič |
Scenography: | Ondrej Zachar |
Costume design: | Silvia Korenči Zubajová |
Masks: | Juraj Steiner |
Music: | Jozef Vlk |
Motion cooperation : | Stanislava Vlčeková |
Assistant director: | Andrej Palko |
Oidipus: | Matej Marušin |
Priest: | Róbert Šudík |
Kreon: | Jakub Kuka |
Teiresias: | Tomáš Diro |
Jokasta: | Henrieta Kecerová |
Korintian: | Peter Cibula |
Lai's servant: | Peter Čižmár |
Courtier: | Andrej Palko |
Antigona: | Zoja Kamila Durkajová, a.h. |
Ismena: | Barbora Beňatinská, a.h. |
Eteokles: | Alan Tunkel, a.h. |
Polyneikes: | Nicolas Tunkel, a.h. |
Choir of Thebes citizens: | Martin Stolár, Beáta Drotárová, Katarína Horňáková, Lívia Michalčík Dujavová, Juraj Zetyák, Adriana Ballová, František Balog, členovia Zboru Opery NDKE |
Press news
- 6. mája 2022 - Matej Marušin: Stvárňovať Oidipa je pre mňa zlomové v pracovnom aj osobnom živote
- 1. apríla 2022 - Do košického divadla prichádza Oidipus
Napísali o predstavení:
- 18.12.2022 - - Oidipus - Štátne divadlo Košice - recenzia (slovenský preklad )
- 7.5.2022 - - Matej Marušin ako Oidipus: Všetko v živote človeka je vrtkavé a pominuteľné
- 6.5.2022 - - Štátne divadlo Košice uvádza v rámci osláv ďalšie dve premiéry
- 5.5.2022 - - Štátne divadlo Košice uvádza v rámci osláv ďalšie dve premiéry
- 5.5.2022 - - Štátne divadlo Košice uvádza v rámci osláv ďalšie dve premiéry
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- 17.4.2022 - (Košický Večer) - Profesionálny futbal vymenil za divadlo, neskôr Bratislavu za Košice
- 7.4.2022 - - Do košického divadla prichádza Oidipus
- 6.4.2022 - - Anton Korenči: Príbeh Oidipa prežívame aj my v súčasnosti
- 2.4.2022 - - Do košického divadla prichádza Oidipus