Bernard Shaw: PYGMALION
The famous literary masterpiece which the musical My Fair Lady was based on
- Premiere
- Lenght of Performance
- 150 minutes with break
- Place of Performance
- Historická budova
Play schedule

Phonetics professor Higgins makes a bet that he will turn the street child - the poor flower saleswoman Lisa, into a real lady. At first glance, however, the innocent game of male whimsy becomes a dangerous gamble with a female identity and personality.
Shaw's Pygmalion - a literary masterpiece which the musical My Fair Lady was based on - asks the most important and still unresolved gender issues: Does a man need to transform a woman according to his ideas so that he can fall in love with her? If so, is it love for a woman, or just for an idealized idea? But then how should a woman find her happiness if the way to it is to eradicate her own identity? And finally, what role does authenticity still play in society?
We would like to express our gratitude to AQUACITY POPRAD for allowing us to shoot a video for this production on their premises.
Photo: Ján Štovka
Directed by | Martin Čičvák |
Translation and adjustment: | Martin Čičvák |
Language editing of text: | Milka Zimková |
Dramaturgy: | Miroslava Košická |
Scenography and costumes: | Tom Ciller |
Music: | Peter Tóth |
Video processing: | Jakub Pišek |
Language cooperation: | Martina Ružičková |
HENRY HIGGINS | Marek Geišberg, a.h. |
ELIZA DOOLITTLE | Tatiana Poláková |
MRS. HIGGINSOVÁ | Anna Javorková, a.h. |
ALFRED DOOLITTLE | Michal Soltész |
MRS. PEARCEOVÁ | Henrieta Kecerová |
MRS. EYNSFORD HILLOVÁ | Adriana Ballová |
MISS KLÁRA EYNSFORD HILLOVÁ | Lívia Michalčík Dujavová |
TIBETIAN | Peter Tóth, a.h. |
Press news
- 21. októbra 2019 - Príbeh Shawovho Pygmaliona
- 15. októbra 2019 - Slávny Pygmalion prvou premiérou činohry
Wrote about performance
- 11.11.2019 - - A šak tak hutorim...Pygmalion! (recenzia)
- 8.11.2019 - - Pygmalion po východniarsky v Štátnom divadle Košice
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- 15.10.2019 - - Slávny Pygmalion prvou premiérou činohry
- 15.10.2019 - - Slávny Pygmalion prvou premiérou činohry