Georges Feydeau: A FLEA IN HER EAR
A brilliant comedy
- Premiere
- Lenght of Performance
- 160 minutes with two break
- Place of Performance
- Historická budova
Play schedule

A brilliant comedy, where the central plot is the infidelity of the faithful, to whom someone simply puts a bee in their bonnet. One of the most famous and most played comedies in the world, a classic that doesn't age, brilliant, cheeky, light-footed, French. A situational bang that leads to an innocent idea to find out the truth about the fidelity of a marital spouse. And the proverbial bee is already in the proverbial bonnet. A ball lightning of humor and wit flies unstoppably across the stage.
Directed by | Karol Spišák a. h |
Translation: | Ľubomír Vajdička a.h. |
Dramaturgy: | Peter Himič |
Scenography: | Štefan Hudák a. h |
Costumes: | Katarína Holková a. h |
Adjustment: | Karol Spišák a.h. |
Inspector: | Erika Marištiaková |
Whisperer: | Iveta Vinclavová |
Victor - Emanuel Chandebise: | Ivan Krúpa |
Poché: | Ivan Krúpa |
Camille Chandebise: | Michal Soltész |
Romin Tournel: | Andrej Palko |
Dr. Finache: | Róbert Šudík |
Carlos Homenides de Histangua: | Jozef Úradník a.h. |
Augustín Ferraillon: | Stanislav Pitoňák |
Etienne: | Peter Cibula |
Rugby: | Juraj Zetyák, Tomáš Diro |
Babtistin: | Ľubo Záhon a.h. |
Raymonde Chandebise: | Henrieta Kecerová |
Lucienne Homenides de Histangua: | Dana Košická |
Olympia Ferraillon: | Adriana Krúpová |
Antoinette: | Katarína Horňáková |
Eugenia: | Adriana Ballová |