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Giuseppe Verdi: LA TRAVIATA

The most performed opera in the world

Place of Performance
Historická budova

The most performed opera in the world, written based on the novel by Alexander Dumas Jr. The Lady of the Camellias, composed by Giuseppe Verdi in 1853, right after the success of Rigoletto and The Troubadour. Today, this opera belongs to the permanent repertoire of many opera theaters around the world. In their time, however, the composer and librettist set out on a very thin ice.

The Verdi, loved by the audience, decided to work on a controversial social topic in the opera La Traviata (The Lost), in which the viewer penetrates the world of a woman trading in love - and it is in this environment that the authors focus all their attention. Firmly rooted in the Italian opera tradition, young Verdi uses vaulted melodies and distinctive dance rhythms to depict the fateful love of the Parisian courtesan Violetta and the young nobleman Alfred. As usual, the eyes of decent society turn away from Violetta with outrage, slander her ruthlessly, and finally condemn her morally. However, Violetta truly falls in love and undergoes a breathtaking transformation - she loves absolutely and unconditionally: until death, which is caused by the cruelty of her loved one and the advancing serious illness. Verdi chose the topic, among other things, because he was approached by the similarity of the story to his own life. He himself lived with his beautiful mistress, the s opranist Giuseppina Strepponi, the mother of three illegitimate children from previous relationships, on a village farm. The marriage was finally contracted in 1859 and lasted until Giuseppina's death in 1897.

Directed byAlexander Medem
Muisic production:Vinicius Kattah
Libreto:Francesco Maria Piave
Scenography and costumes:Katharina Heistinger
Conductors:Igor Dohovič, Vinicius Kattah
Choirmaster:Lukáš Kozubík
Choreography:Tomas Danielis
Assistant director:Zuzana Kundrátová
Concertmaster:Peter Michalík
Accompaniment:Júlia Grejtáková
Inspector:Viera Hronská, Magdaléna Kovalčíková
Whisperer:Klaudia Kovalčíková, Magdaléna Kovalčíková


Violetta:Mariana Hochelová, Michaela Várady
Alfredo:Maksym Kutsenko, Raoni Hübner
Germont:Marek Gurbaľ, Marián Lukáč
Flora:Myroslava Havryliuk, Viera Kállayová
Gaston:Anton Baculík, Václav Morys
Barón:Daniel Kfelíř, Marek Pobuda
marquis:Martin Kovács, Matúš Mazár
Doctor:Michal Onufer, Mihály Podkopájev
Annina:Stanislava Kozubíková, Zuzana Orlovská, Ľubica Strapáčová
Giuseppe (Violetta's servant):Pavol Spišský
A servant in Flora:László Havasi
Messenger boy:Štefan Hundža
Dancers:Dominik Dupľák, Viktória Gdovinová, Jakub Kohút,
Michaela Sabolová, Lea Sakáčová, Matej Výhonský
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