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Emmerich Kálmán: Die Herzogin von Chicago

Operetta by renowned composer rediscovered a quarter-century ago

Lenght of Performance
160 minutes with pause
Place of Performance
Historická budova

At the peak of his success, the author of the greatest operetta favourites Die Csárdásfürstin and Gräfin Mariza set to work on musically and dramaturgically unconventional piece. We see Charleston and Slowfox competing with Vienna Waltz and Hungarian Czardas, just like characters from old Europe compete with the characters from the new world.

Though Kálmán has never been to America by then, his composition is a masterpiece and reflects joie de vivre and contrasts of then social and political situation in the interwar period. Many of the themes are up-to-date again and still live topics. The Opera Ensemble of ŠDKE has an extensive experience with operetta and particularly Kálmán’s music.

The production team brings another cooperation of all the ŠDKE’s ensembles – opera, drama, and ballet.

Libretto:Julius Brammer a Alfred Grünwald
Editing the libretto:Attila Lőrinczy
Artistic patronage:Yvonne Kálmán
Music preparation:Peter Valentovič
Slovak translation of songs:Peter Valentovič
Directed by:Attila Béres
Scenography:Balázs Horesnyi
Assistant scenography:Balázs Illés
Costume design:Rita Velich
Conductors:Peter Valentovič, Igor Dohovič, Vinicius Kattah
Choirmaster:Peter Valentovič
Choreography:Ondrej Šoth
Assistants:Martin Bányai, Gennaro Sorbino, Šimon Stariňák, Maksym Sklyar, Shoko Yamada, Eva Sklyarová
Assistant director:Peter Vaco
Concertmaster:Peter Michalík
Piano accompanists:Júlia Grejtáková, Daniel Motyka
Stage manager:Viera Hronská, Magdaléna Kovalčíková
Whisperer:Magdaléna Kovalčíková, Anna Szekeressová
Alex Boris:Titusz Tóbisz, Amir Khan
Lizaveta:Tatiana Paľovčíková Paládiová, Viera Kállayová
Rosemary Dragica:Aneta Hollá, Tatiana Hajzušová
The Grand Duke Luparovič:Marek Gurbaľ, Marián Lukáč
Perolin:Stanislav Pitoňák, Peter Cibula
Mr. Benjamin Lloyd:Jaroslav Dvorský, Ivan Krúpa
Mary:Janette Zsigová, Eva Bodorová
Mr. John Bondy:Martin Stolár, Martin Kovács
Edith Soros:Adriana Ballová, Vanda Tureková
Theater critic:Tomáš Beličák
Adrian Negresco:László Havasi
Mr. Lájos:Peter Raši, Dušan Pásztor
Victor Lustig:Anton Baculík, Jakub Benčo
Barová speváčka:Zuzana Orlovská
Jovana:Alena Fialeková
Court Master/Sergeant:Pavol Spišský
Bobby, saxophone:Tomáš Javnický, Ján Kopčák
Bunda Mihály:Peter Balogh
Ministries:Alena Fialeková, Stanislav Rusyn, Daniel Karas, Tomáš Beličák, Stanislav Pitoňák, Peter Cibula
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