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Ladislav Stroupežnický: Our Swaggerers

Iconic classical Czech comedy

Lenght of Performance
150 minutes with brek
Place of Performance
Historická budova

The peaceful village life will be affected by the general elections on the night announcer, and a whole tangle of unexpected events will begin. What image of the beloved village did Ladislav Stroupežnický find? The happiness of lovers Veronka and Václav's will be jeopardized by obstinacy and their parents' stubbornness, rigged elections of the night announcer will put the whole village against each other, it will also be threatened by an arsonist anonym, jurors at the town committee deal with poaching or hazard and offer simple solutions to complex social issues. However, it is not a drama, but an earthy comedy in which friends unravel, engagements are celebrated furiously, recruiters check in, and finally, the hot heads calm down. But it seems that our swaggerers are still ours.

Directed byĽubomír Vajdička
Dramaturgy:Miro Dacho
Translation:Ľubomír Vajdička
Scene:Jozef Ciller
Costumes:Marija Havran
Music:Róbert Mankovecký
Inspector:Ingrid Dlugošová
Whisperer:Janka Popovičová


Voice:Alois Švehlík
Filip Dubský:Ivan Krúpa
Mária Dubská:Dana Košická
Václav Dubský:Tomáš Diro, Marek Lupták, a.h.
Peter Dubský:Ľubo Záhon, a.h.
Jakub Bušek:Stanislav Pitoňák
Františka Bušková:Katarína Horňáková
Veronka Bušková:Lívia Michalčík Dujavová
Matej Šumbal:Jozef Úradník, a.h
Mária Šumbalka:Beáta Drotárová
Pavel Kožený:Peter Čižmár, Peter Gedeon, a.h.
Gašpar Šmejkal:Róbert Šudík
Valentín Bláha:Peter Cibula
Jozef Habršperk:Michal Soltész
František Fiala:František Balog
Terezka Fialová:Adriana Krúpová
Kristína Fialová:Tatiana Poláková
Filipko Fiala:Šimon Marčinský, Alan Tunkel, Nikolas Tunkel
general blacksmith:Dušan Pásztor
teacher Karol Kudrlička:Milan Antol
Taverner Marek Ehrmann:Juraj Zetyák
Markétka:Henrieta Kecerová
Gendarme:Andrej Palko
Musicians:Vladimír Bartoš, Jaroslav Koky, Timotej Šak, Ľuboslav Torma, Erik Korfant/Jaroslav Koky (všetci a.h.)
Fighters:Peter Gedeon, Dávid Hanzel, Benjamín Ogurčák, Martin Bulava, Marián Kužma a.h.
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