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State Theater in Košice is inviting the representatives of the media to a press conference, held on Thursday, September 3, 2020 at 10:00 in a lounge of the Historical building of the State Theater in Košice. Ondrej Šoth, director of the opera Roland Khern Tóth, director of ballet Andrej
General Director of the State Theater in Košice Ondrej Šoth introduced new directors of opera, ballet and drama departments on Friday, July 31. They will take over their offices on August 1, 2020. Roland Khern Tóth (on the left in the photo by Jozef Barinka) has become the Director of opera, ballet will be managed by Andrej Petrovič (in the middle) and drama by Anton Korenči (on the right).
The State Theater in Košice is joining the well-wishers who wished all the best to beautiful life jubilee of longtime opera soloist Viera Hronská on Friday, July 24, 2020. She joined the stage of the State Theater in Košice as a member of the ensemble almost sixty years ago and she still works in the backstage as the opera stage designer. With breaks and a few short times in opera in Banská…
The State Theater in Košice is celebrating its 75th birthday. Less than two months after the end of the Second World War, the East Slovak National Theater, seated in Košice, was established by regulation of the Slovak National Council from July 3, 1945. In 1946 - 1955, it was called the National Theater in Košice and in 1955, it was established as the State Theater in Košice. Under this name,…
The State Theatre in Košice definitively ended the jubilee 75th season on Saturday, June 27, 2020 by presenting special production Milada Horáková under auspices of President of the Slovak Republic Zuzana Čaputová. On day of the 70th anniversary of the judicial murder of the Czech lawyer and politician, who became a symbol of one of the biggest spurious political processes in the 1950s in the…
Two anniversaries of birth of opera soloists, whose lives were connected to the State Theater in Košice have fallen on these days. On Friday, June 26, it will be 90 years since bass-baritone singer Boris Šimanovský was born, a day later,  June 27, we commemorate the 105th  anniversary of birth of mezzosoprano singer Silvia Grünwaldová - Colombová. Even though they were born on the opposite sides…