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With two performances of Emmerich Kálmán´s operetta The Duchess of Chicago, on Monday 12th September and Wednesday 14th September, the opera of State Theatre Košice will open new theatre season. The first one especially will be an extraordinary event. It will be dedicated to the artistic patroness of performance, Ms. Yvonne Kálmán, who arrives from USA to Košice once again, to celebrate with…
By signing memorandum of cooperation and presentation of performance Brave New Life at the Small Stage of State Theatre Košice, the new project „Interscene“ will be launched at the beginning of new theatre season, that will connect two important cultural institutions in the city – the independent cultural centre Tabačka Kulturfabrik and the State Theatre Košice.     
Four operas, two ballets, and five drama pieces along with opera concerts and a ballet gala-concert are prepared by the State Theatre Košice for the new season 2022/2023. The dramaturgic plans of the theatre were introduced at the press briefing today by Ondrej Šoth, General Director of ŠDKE, Roland Khern Tóth, Director ŠDKE Opera, Anton Korenči, Director ŠDKE Drama, Andrej Suchanov, Art Director…
THE 3RD SYMPHONY BY HENRYK GORECI PRESENTED AT ST. ELISABETH CATHEDRAL IN KOŠICE. FOR UKRAINE. Sunday, 26 at 20.30 p.m., a unique Dome of St. Elisabeth will be filled with tones of one of the most famous works of contemporary classic music the 3rd Symphony called Symphony of Sorrowful Songs by…
On Friday - 24 June, the State Theatre Opera will present one of Richard Wagner’s most staged opera TRISTAN AND ISOLDE. The opera will be conducted by chief conductor Peter Valentovič in the historical building of the State Theatre Košice. The opera is considered a top in opera art. Leading roles will be…
The concert version of the scenes from Wagner’s opera Tristan and Isolde presenting local and guest artists. The premiere of the opera of the State Theatre Košice, orchestrated by the chief conductor Peter Valentovič, will be introduced on Friday – June, 24 in the historical building of ŠDKE. One of Wagner’s…