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Choir singers as soloists

The project HIDDEN VOICES / VOCI NASCOSTE presents members of the Opera Choir of the State Theatre Košice, who only occasionally sing minor solo characters in opera productions, in addition to their long-term performance in the Opera Choir.

One of the most popular pieces of the opera repertoire

„ After Shakespeare´s tragedy Hamlet and Leonardo´s portrait of Mona Lisa, The Magic Flute is the third great mystery of our culture.“ Peter von Matt, Swiss philologist and writer

Semi-stage performance of the opera in three acts

The story of the opera is the story of the ruler Roger as a representative of a social system, a world of rationality, discipline and faith, disrupted by a mysterious Shepherd.  With the arrival of a modern prophet, who preaches hedonism and self-indulgence and is followed by crowds, not only the existing social order will be shaken, but Roger´s personal transformation will also begin.

Peter Valentovič & Friends

V novej divadelnej sezóne 2022/2023 sme pripravili pre našich divákov tri výnimočné koncerty s klaviristom a šéfdirigentom Petrom Valentovičom a jeho  priateľmi, v rámci ktorých sa náš šéfdirigent predstaví s novým netradičným programom.

One of the most presented operas coming back after twenty years

The story of a beautiful and fragile singer Tosca, a passionate painter Cavaradossi and sadistic police chief Scarpia with captivating melodies by Giacomo Puccini that have become immortal.

Košice premiere of the opera based on Goethe’s

The Suffering of Young Werther, a novel by J. W. Goethe about a noble and passionate young man who is torn by the miseries of unhappy love until he finally chooses voluntary death. This story struck a small earthquake in Germany at the end of the 18th century: it became a "cult" book of the then young generation and fundamentally influenced their sense of life. Werther has become the embodiment of unbridled emotionality, which is freed from the shackles of social conventions.