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A new vision of the direction, a dramaturgical plan for the new season and a new visual of the State Theater in Košice were presented on Thursday, September 3 at a press conference by CEO Ondrej Šoth and new…
The shocking news flew through the State Theater in Košice just before the theatrical asset of the employees before the start of the new theater season 2020/2021. At the age of 63, the violinist Peter Takáč, who spent his entire professional life in the orchestra of the Košice State Theater, suddenly passed away. He joined the opera orchestra immediately after graduating from the conservatory in…
Can you imagine life without theater as we know it today? We definitely cannot. We are especially grateful to one person who transformed his passion into a professional career and thus contributed to the establishment of professional theater in Slovakia. This man was Janko Borodáč. The older generation of Košice met with his name especially in the 1990s, when the Košice and Prešov theaters…
State Theater in Košice is inviting the representatives of the media to a press conference, held on Thursday, September 3, 2020 at 10:00 in a lounge of the Historical building of the State Theater in Košice. Ondrej Šoth, director of the opera Roland Khern Tóth, director of ballet Andrej
General Director of the State Theater in Košice Ondrej Šoth introduced new directors of opera, ballet and drama departments on Friday, July 31. They will take over their offices on August 1, 2020. Roland Khern Tóth (on the left in the photo by Jozef Barinka) has become the Director of opera, ballet will be managed by Andrej Petrovič (in the middle) and drama by Anton Korenči (on the right).
The State Theater in Košice is celebrating its 75th birthday. Less than two months after the end of the Second World War, the East Slovak National Theater, seated in Košice, was established by regulation of the Slovak National Council from July 3, 1945. In 1946 - 1955, it was called the National Theater in Košice and in 1955, it was established as the State Theater in Košice. Under this name,…