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The State Theatre Košice strongly condemns the murder of two young people, the motive of which was hatred of LGBT community. The whole society has an obligation to speak up in situations, where there are manifestations of any hate towards minorities. It is a responsibility of each and every one of us. An acceptance of evil has led to the unimaginable tragedies in a recent history, the victims of…
A historic moment. The State Theatre Košice, its productions, creators and artists performing in them received eight nominations at DOSKY Awards 2022 that is taking place after two-year „pandemic“ break. Theatre awards of the season. The DOSKY poll is announced by the Contemporary Theatre Association.
By signing memorandum of cooperation and presentation of performance Brave New Life at the Small Stage of State Theatre Košice, the new project „Interscene“ will be launched at the beginning of new theatre season, that will connect two important cultural institutions in the city – the independent cultural centre Tabačka Kulturfabrik and the State Theatre Košice.     
Four operas, two ballets, and five drama pieces along with opera concerts and a ballet gala-concert are prepared by the State Theatre Košice for the new season 2022/2023. The dramaturgic plans of the theatre were introduced at the press briefing today by Ondrej Šoth, General Director of ŠDKE, Roland Khern Tóth, Director ŠDKE Opera, Anton Korenči, Director ŠDKE Drama, Andrej Suchanov, Art Director…
Yet on Sunday - June, 12, the historical building of the State Theatre Košice invites you to experience amazing and inimitable art of leading Ukrainian ballet soloists and thus support sorely tried Ukraine and its artists. You are kindly invited to the CHARITY GALA of ballet soloists from Kiev. The funds raised from…
The State Theatre Košice learnt with great sadness that long-time member of the Ballet Company and theatre photographer Ondrej Béreš died on Saturday, December 11th, aged 89. He was an active member of the ballet ensemble from 1955 to 1976; and performed in more than forty ballet and opera stage productions. In addition to his dancing career in the theatre, he also worked as the theatre’s…