Franz Schubert: WINTERREISE
Adapted song cycle
In 1827, Franz Schubert is back to Vienna hospital where he starts to compose his 'Winter Journey' – a song cycle, poems by Wilhelm Müller put to music. Is he aware that his death was imminent? He suffers from syphilis and he has only 20 months left to live. During his last year, Schubert, just like Mozart, creates deeply inspired compositions. His diary however is still more tense – isolation, cold, denial of life: "I must go the way none ever came back".
"Winterreise is an existential statement of a young man who goes though un unfortunate romance and sets for a journey through winter country. On a broader basis, however, it is a philosophical statement of a man on the course of life. We are honoured that our theatre, in these hard times, could welcome a renowned Slovak tenor Pavol Bršlík who came to Košice to produce, along with pianist Róbert Pechanec, an exclusive song recital Winterreise by Franz Schubert. We would like to thank to Mrs. Aneta Hollá, the Conservatory Director, for lending us a unique concert piano Steinway particularly for this recording," says Roland Khern-Tóth, Opera Director ŠDKE.
Pavol Bršlík previously sung Winterreise song cycle with great success, along with pianist Amir Katz. It was more than a year ago in Bratislava; during these concerts they together made a CD record.
"Twenty-four songs (their length varies from one to five minutes) together make a 75-minutes cycle full of contrasts. It is filled with different moods accompanying a pilgrim’s soul on his journey across frozen country with a hopeless end. Pavol Bršlík and Amir Katz did it, hard to find the right word, they did it with mastery and credibility. I bet that the emotions, they gave, would deeply move Schubert himself... " wrote Pavel Unger, music critic, in his review.
Our audience can look forward to an amazing music and scenic experience directed by Anton Korenči. The experience is emphasised by visual live art by Bea Kolbašovská.
Concept: | Roland Khern Tóth |
Directed by: | Anton Korenči |
Dramaturgy: | Stanislav Trnovský |
Motion cooperation: | Andrej Petrovič |
Scenography: | Pavol Juráš |
Video art: | Bea Kolbašovská |
Photos: | Joseph Marčinský |
Tenor: Pavol Bršlík
Piano: Róbert Pechanec
Press news
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