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Ondrej Šoth: M. R. ŠTEFÁNIK

A new look at an exceptional personality in Slovak history

Lenght of Performance
136 minutes with break
Place of Performance
U vás doma


"I love the truth, not only from a moral point of view, but also as a mathematician. As the straight line is the shortest connection of two points, so truth is the shortest way to realize our ideas, "one of Štefánik's well-known statements states. A completely new production of the multimedia dance theater of the successful author team of Ondrej Šoth will not be a respectful reminder of this exceptional personality of Slovak and Czechoslovak history. It will be a modern theater looking for an answer to the question of how a small person feels in the gears of great history, who follows his belief that it is possible to change the world. Fate of M. R. Štefánik is proof that a particular person can influence the life not only of himself and his loved ones, but also of entire nations.

Screenplay:Zuzana Mistríková, Ondrej Šoth
Directed byOndrej Šoth
Choreography:Ondrej Šoth, Maksym Sklyar, Marek Šarišský
Scenography:Juraj Fábry
Costumes:Andrii Sukhanov
Dramaturgy:Zuzana Mistríková
Music dramaturgy:Ondrej Šoth
Film:Pavol Barabáš



Štefánik - child:Ján Capko, Christián Grečko
Štefánik - young boy:Marek Šarišský, Šimon Stariňák
M. R. Štefánik:Sergii Iegorov, Maksym Sklyar, Andrii Sukhanov, Gennaro Sorbino, Viktor Mikulišin
Štefánik's father:Oleksandr Khablo, Martin Bányai
Štefánik's mother:Jana Kolesová Hriadeľová, Lyudmyla Kolimečkov Vasylyeva
Teacher:Oleksandr Khablo, Martin Bányai
Emília Chovanová:Kristína Zemanová, Nina Ravasová
T. G. Masaryk:Jozef Marčinský, Martin Bányai
E. Beneš:Mariano Covone, Dalibor Fabián
Miss Fridová (Prague):Františka Vargová, Anastasia Kravtsova
Giuliana Benzoni (Rome):Eva Sklyarová, Silvia Borsetti, Nina Ravasová, Ema Dobešová, Lyudmyla Kolimečkov Vasylyeva
Matka Benzoni (Rome):Jana Kolesová Hriadeľová, Lyudmyla Kolimečkov Vasylyeva
Louise Weissová (Paris):Tatiana Lubskaya, Maria Cherba, Nina Ravasová
Mrs. Janssenová (Paris):Jana Kolesová Hriadeľová, Lyudmyla Kolimečkov Vasylyeva
Antoinette Janssenová (Paris):Gabriela Sukhanova, Ema Dobešová
Courtesan (Paris):Yulia Chemitova, Silvia Borsetti, Tatiana Lubskaya
Woman from Tahiti:Shoko Yamada


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