Ondrej Šoth, Zuzana Mistríková: JÁNOŠÍK
Dance theater
Nations have their legends and Slovakia is no exception. Probably the biggest one is the legend of a bandit who took from the rich and gave to the poor ... The character of Jánošík has already found its reflection in many works of art (and not only Slovak ones) - from literature to film. Jánošík, for example, was the subject of the very first Slovak feature film, which was made in 1921. For director and choreographer Ondrej Šoth, the theme of Jánošík represents an opportunity to provide more space to the Slovak folk artistic tradition in his work. He was drawn to it in the early nineties, when he decided to work in SĽUK and when he proposed to expand his activities to the genre of folk theater and most recently provided space for it in productions Giselle and M. R. Štefánik, which he prepared in 2009 in collaboration with the legend of Slovak folk dance choreographer Juraj Kubánek. Jánošík will be Ondrej Šoth's first project, in which the audience will find a reflection of Slovak folk art in all components of modern dance theater - from music, through choreography, to the artistic side of the production, in which a considerable dose of humor and irony is reflected in more than one moment. At the same time, Jánošík will be the culmination of a national theme in the work of the Košice choreographer and director.
Directed by | Ondrej Šoth |
Choreography: | Ondrej Šoth, Juraj Kubánka, Maksym Sklyar, Mikhailo Novikov |
Scenography: | Andrii Sukhanov |
Libretto: | Zuzana Mistríková, Ondrej Šoth |
Costumes: | Andrii Sukhanov |
Poster: | Anton Faraonov |
Photo: | Jozef Marčinský |
Music: | Ľudová hudba Železiar |
Music processing: | Milan Rendoš |
Music production: | Ľuboslav Hudák - predník, 1. husle, koncová píšťala, spev, Jozef Porvazník - 2. husle, perkusie, spev, Matej Lacko - cimbal, kontrabas, spev, Marián Gereg - viola, spev, Milan Rendoš - kontrabas, koncová píšťala, gajdy, fujara, drumbľa, gitara, 6 - dierková píšťalka, spev |
Inspectors: | Lena Képesová, Beáta Gogová |
Jánošík: | Marek Šarišský |
Hanka: | Eva Sklyarová |
Striga: | Lyudmyla Vasylyeva Kolimečkov |
Gróf Ugronovič: | Maksym Sklyar |
Otec: | Oleksandr Khablo a.h. |
Uhorčík: | Šimon Stariňák |
Gajdošík: | Jana Kolesová Hriadeľová |
Cigáň: | Dominik Béreš |
Bojko: | Viktor Mikulišin |
Surovec: | Peter Rolik |
Mudroň: | Igor Pashko |
Zbojnícka družina: | Alexander Skopintsev, Dalibor Fabián, Gennaro Sorbino |
Press news
Wrote about performance
- 30.4.2010 - korzar.sme.sk - Šoth ponúka Jánošíka ako tragikomédiu
- 29.4.2010 - kuultur.com - Prichádza roztancovaný Jánošík
- 28.4.2010 - www.tasr.sk, www.rannespravy.sk - KOŠICE: Premiérou baletu Jánošík zavŕši O. Šoth svoju národnú trilógiu
- 28.4.2010 - www.sita.sk - KOŠICE: Poslednou premiérou baletu roztancovaný Jánošík