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A classic comedy not only about jealousy
Molière's School of Women is considered his first masterpiece of comedy, followed by other titles such as Misanthrope, Don Juan and Tartuffe.
A new author's project by director and choreographer Ondrej Šoth
A celebration of the native country, our Slovak and Czech traditions, the main motive of which is the story of a Czech girl and a Slovak boy, with which the girl's parents disagree, because they want her to marry her a rich boy.
Iconic classical Czech comedy
Exactly 131 years have passed since Ladislav Stroupežnický wrote an iconic Czech classic from the life of an idyllic village, Our Swaggerers. It is clear that since then we still have swaggerers among us and with them their quarrels, banters, squeaks, but also love, feasts and fun.
The famous operetta by the king of the Viennese waltzes
The Bat represents a difficult test of the opera ensemble not only from the interpretive point of view, but also from the acting point of view. A well-managed production is an acting concert crowned with beautiful melodies.
A play about an important girl from Košice
The story of Sára Salkházi, a journalist intrinsically connected with Košice, who went through a great rebirth from bohemian life to a martyr of the faith.
Opera of operas
An opera of operas that seems to stand out from time and space. The work from the last years of the master's life boldly competes with the best musical dramas of all periods.