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A brilliant comedy
Brilliant comedy by a prominent German playwright varies between conversational and absurd comedy with grotesque elements. Nothing is as it seems at first.
A romantic ballet
The romantic ballet Giselle is a masterpiece of world ballet production. Among other things, it also carries a possibility to present completely different backgrounds, such as contrast between beauty and ugliness, love and hate, dream and reality, the world of fairies and rural environment.
Choir singers as soloists
The project HIDDEN VOICES / VOCI NASCOSTE presents members of the Opera Choir of the State Theatre Košice, who only occasionally sing minor solo characters in opera productions, in addition to their long-term performance in the Opera Choir.
A movement theatre
„ I grew old, and when I crossed the 40s, I lost hope for change for the better – I saw Italy became a country ruled by idiots, with no future (...) .“ (Pier Paolo Pasolini)
A tenderly tragic poetry about clash of civilizations, war and violence.
A play Titus Andronicus stands at the beginning of W. Shakespeare´s great work. It is actually his first tragedy (before that he wrote one comedy and one historical drama). It is not often staged ( in Slovakia it´s only the second adaptation ), while discussing the falling Roman Empire, its threat from barbarians, war and clash of civilization, the origin of evil, violence and cruelty in man it seems to be more than current.
One of the most popular pieces of the opera repertoire
„ After Shakespeare´s tragedy Hamlet and Leonardo´s portrait of Mona Lisa, The Magic Flute is the third great mystery of our culture.“ Peter von Matt, Swiss philologist and writer