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Gala concert on the eve of Peter Dvorský's birthday
Štátne divadlo Košice pripravuje 24. septembra 2022, v predvečer narodenín Petra Dvorského slávnostný galakoncert na javisku Historickej budovy nášho divadla. 
Peter Valentovič & Friends
V novej divadelnej sezóne 2022/2023 sme pripravili pre našich divákov tri výnimočné koncerty s klaviristom a šéfdirigentom Petrom Valentovičom a jeho  priateľmi, v rámci ktorých sa náš šéfdirigent predstaví s novým netradičným programom.
Scenes from opera
Tristan and Isolde is Richard Wagner’s masterpiece. The opera is considered the paramount work all the opera houses around the world wish to do. The Opera Ensemble of ŠDKE led by the chief conductor Peter Valentovič presents scenes from the opera.
Slovak premiere of famous film adaptation
The wheels came off … A small group of intellectuals play a strange game – they pretend they are idiots, and thus they provoke people in the streets, and create non-standard situations.
Original dance production as a tribute to women
Original production Extáza / Obrazy o nej (Ecstasy / Pictures on Her) portrays different images of women inspired by the phases of the moon as a magic gate to birth and rebirth.
One of the most presented operas coming back after twenty years
The story of a beautiful and fragile singer Tosca, a passionate painter Cavaradossi and sadistic police chief Scarpia with captivating melodies by Giacomo Puccini that have become immortal.