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Peter Mazalán in a unique theatrical project
Už stačí / Ich Habe Genug is a theatrical project aiming to help the discussion on equality and tolerance among people.
An experimental physical performance
Soft Spot is an experimental physical performance born out of cooperation between dancers Martina Hajdyla, Soňa Ferienčíková and choreographer Adrienn Hód.
A fairy tale for the whole family
A famous storyteller Rashid Khalifa lives with his wife Soraya and son Haroun in the country called Alifbai, in the town so sad that it has forgotten its name. People love to listen to his amazing stories until his wife Soraya runs away with his neighbour. The storyteller Rashid losses his unique gift of eloquent speech.
Remarkable Symphony of Sorrowful Songs with Slávka Zámečníková
In 1977, when they played Symphony No. 3 'Symphony of Sorrowful Songs' by Henryk Gorecki (1933 - 2010) for the first time at the festival in French Royane, nobody seemed to take a special note of this remarkable work. It gained a lukewarm reception by critiques; even it was described as tonal and hence retrogressive. In 1993, however, the CD record of the work appeared on the list of greatest hits in the Great Britain; it was interpreted by American soprano Dawn Upshaw and conducted by David Zinman. In USA, the work has dominated the greatest hits of classic music for 38 weeks. They sold in total more than million CDs.      
Košice premiere of the opera based on Goethe’s
The Suffering of Young Werther, a novel by J. W. Goethe about a noble and passionate young man who is torn by the miseries of unhappy love until he finally chooses voluntary death. This story struck a small earthquake in Germany at the end of the 18th century: it became a "cult" book of the then young generation and fundamentally influenced their sense of life. Werther has become the embodiment of unbridled emotionality, which is freed from the shackles of social conventions.
The first stand-up ever in Košice drama
What if a priest, on his way to give the last rites, gets lost and finds himself in a theatre? And that is the theatre in Košice. After all, it is a priest from Košice parish.